Those who suffer anxiety over dental visits and procedures may find a solution in sedation. Naturally, you may wonder what sedation dentistry involves, how it works, and how it can solve your problems. However, once you understand these points, we urge you to ask your dentist about this treatment option and its availability at their practice.
Smile Reston Heights offers sedation and general professional dentistry to residents of Reston, VA. Our range of dental services includes general dentistry, cosmetic and restorative services, and orthodontics. Moreover, our team of dental experts provides family-oriented yet personalized care. Learn how Smile Reston Heights can care for you and your family by calling us at today (703) 345-1100.
Below, we define sedation dentistry, explain how it works, and outline its benefits:
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is a common practice that involves the use of sedatives to ease patients’ discomfort during dental procedures. The difference between sedation and general anesthesia lies in the patient’s level of consciousness. Anesthesia usually produces a state of unconsciousness, while sedation creates a restful condition wherein patients feel relaxed yet awake and responsive.
As with anesthesia, a range of sedation exists, including mild, moderate, and intense levels. Dental professionals determine a suitable level based on their intended procedure as well as the patient’s level of anxiety.
How Does it Work?
Although some dentists practice oral sedation dentistry, Smile Reston Heights prefers to use nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Oral sedation is administered via a pill but—while it allows patients to remain conscious—its effects take a couple of hours to dissipate. We prefer nitrous oxide because we can better control the level of sedation and its effects wear off almost immediately after a procedure.
After inhaling the nitrous oxide through a nasal mask, you will feel its relaxing effects set in. Many patients report light and tingly sensations. One dosage lasts around 15 minutes, which allows dentists to complete their work. Sedation’s side effects include slurred speech and sluggish reactions, though these feelings wear off quickly.
What Are the Benefits?
Major benefits of sedation dentistry include:
- Anxiety relief: People’s stress and anxiety over dental appointments cause dental avoidance, that is, aversion to visiting the dentist. Fortunately, sedation dentistry provides relief from this anxiety, so you can keep your regular visits to the dentist’s office.
- Greater efficiency: Sedation also facilitates dental procedure efficiency, making for simpler and faster results. Indeed, adult and pediatric dentists prefer a relaxed patient over a restless one, particularly for complex, invasive treatments. Sedation decreases the amount of fidgeting, gagging, and other disruptions.
- Painless experience: Finally, sedation makes patients as comfortable as possible. No dentist wants their services to be scary or unwelcoming. Regular, effective hygiene includes visits to the dentist, and sedation provides patients a pain-and-anxiety-free dental experience.
Feel at Ease with Sedation Dentistry in Reston, VA
You’re not alone in feeling anxious about your dental appointments. Indeed, it’s a common occurrence and something the Smile Reston Heights staff wants to relieve. Our team of dental professionals offers professional sedation dentistry services to families in and around Reston, VA. Moreover, we’re happy to provide personalized and affordable dental care. Contact us at (703) 345-1100 or book an appointment online today.